Tyndale Society Journal On-Line Archive

Tyndale Society Journal - No. 11, December 1998

Table of Contents

Jean AitchisonDrinker of the Devil's Dregs: Tyndale as a Translator5
Ann BoleynQueen Ann Boleyn's last Letter to King Henry VIII15
Hilary DayTyndale and the Religious Orders16
David GreenAn Evening at the Cathedral26
Canon John TillerIn the Steps of William Tyndale: Miles Smith as Bible Translator27
David DaniellObituary: Ted Hughes, OM34
Ian SciortinoChrist Speaks to the Millenium35
Tony TyndaleWycliffe, Queen Anne of Bohemia and the Tyndales of Hockwold, Norfolk36
Valerie OffordConference Report46
 Letters to the Editor50
 Society Notes52