Since the summer the Society has come together for several event. September saw the Third Oxford international Tyndale Conference. I am pleased to present three papers from the Conference in this issue. A report on the Conference is also included. The annual Lambeth lecture was well attended and we hope to print the stimulating paper by Bishop Rowan Williams in a future issue. October brought together the Gloucestershire branch at the Cathedral for evensong and a lecture by Canon John Tiller. A report on the evening and Canon Tiller's paper appear here. A day conference was held in Geneva and was well attended by many who reside on the Continent. A report will appear in the next issue.
The result is a Journal issue with an historical flavour to it. Readers will also want to note the smaller items this month, letters relating to the previous issue, announcements, notes and sadly the obituary of one of our patrons: Ted Hughes. Two churches Tyndale might have known in London holding events that may interest members. See details elsewhere in this issue. There is a carol service at St Mary Abchurch. As this edition was being assembled around Remembrance Day the poem by Ian Sciortino especially fitting, not only for November but also in the run up to Christmas. The hope of the gospel, which Tyndale brought to the English people in their own language, has not yet been realised. In this Christmas season, may we all allow the Prince of Peace to enter into our lives and fulfill his work.
Deborah Pollard