An Evening at the Cathedral

At the second meeting of the Gloucestershire chapter of the Society, upwards of thirty-five members and friends were treated to a fascinating paper by Canon John Tiller of Hereford [printed in this Journal – Ed.], Conservator of the famous chained library and Mappa Mundi, entitled, Following in the Steps of Tyndale; Miles Smith as Bible Translator.

This followed sung evensong in the glorious setting of Gloucester Cathedral Quire, presided over by Canon Neil Heavisides, where we heard an anthem by John Saunders, the recently retired Musical director, and readings from Tyndale’s translations of the epistle to the Romans and from his Jonas.

After supper, it proved specially interesting to sit in the lofty Tudor-panelled chamber in Church House, named after Archbishop Laud, with his full-length portrait looking down over us, and to hear of another much different churchman and bishop, and the church intrigues of his day. The contrast between William Tyndale and his more settled and comfortable successor in the field of translation and scholarship was quickly drawn, and gradually the character of Bishop Smith came alive. In closing, Canon Tiller read an extensive passage from a moving sermon which showed the same kind of persuasive, warm and direct poetry from the reader’s subject which we have all experienced in the work of his great exemplar.

Professor Daniell introduced our speaker and helped to field some good questions. Several members of the audience had travelled to us from a distance; variously from Somerset, Herts., Oxford, Birmingham, Shropshire, London and Kent! More local friends and members were asked to suggest other events which the Tyndale Society might hold in the coming year. One such suggestion is to include a slide show and/or dramatic presentation either in the Cathedral or in a more rural Gloucestershire setting during the next twelve months. Watch this space!

David Green

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