
Since the spring Society members have been active both in organising and attending events at home and abroad. There is a report on the Scriptorium conference about The Bible in Latin in May and the special event, William Tyndale into the new Millennium at the British Library in June. From our vice-chairman Barry Ryan we have an account of the first Tyndale conference in Toronto.

I am pleased to present Carsten Thiede’s paper from a previous Oxford conference. Together with several independently submitted items, this issue has turned out with a focus on the mechanisms of translation and linguistic vehicles of meaning: parables, puns, proverbs, disputed phrases et al. William Tyndale was a master of translation. He demonstrated the expressive strengths of modern English and set it on its way to becoming a world language. His colourful writing still engages us today.

Readers will also want to note the smaller items this month, several letters, announcements, notes and sadly two obituaries. There are many events coming up around the country. There are conferences in Greece and Belgium to put in your diary and note the call for papers for the conference in San Diego next February. Please keep the papers, letters and other items flowing into my mailbox.

Deborah Pollard

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