Whilst assembling this issue of the Journal, the news magazine of the British & Foreign Bible Society arrived. Its leading article has a section headed Decline and Indifference under which one reads:
In the UK we see a culture largely apathetic to the Bible Story. Today the Bible is seen as little more than ancient literature slowly fading into obscurity. Even for many churchgoers the Bible is a puzzle, infrequently read.
The reason the Bible has been undermined over the decades are complex but we see them around us every day — in schools, politics, the media and in the Church itself. More indifferent than negative, our 'anything goes' secular culture banishes the Bible to society's margin.
David Daniell has a different story to tell, in the leading article of this issue, for the sixteenth century anyway! William Tyndale continues to influence language today and two articles pick this up. Perhaps Tyndale should influence our Bible reading habits too. (Is there a new year's resolution in this, I ask myself.)
There are several reports of recent events and lectures around the country. The conference in San Diego next February is imminent. Details of the Leuven conference appear in the Journal and as an enclosure. For all readers still puzzling over what to give Aunt Tilly or Cousin Archie for Christmas, there's a membership form (so quick, so easy — so unique a gift) also
I wish you all a blessed Christmas and memorable new year celebration. And remember, we can all look forward to seeing a William Tyndale's Bible in the Millenium Dome next year.
Deborah Pollard