North American Report

It is an honor to represent the Society here in North America. Point Loma Nazarene University has continued to graciously host our operations here, contributing space, telecommunications access, the time of my secretary Marilyn and other personnel and so on. I am glad to have been able to facilitate this partnership.

This relationship will be further strengthened when the 2nd Pacific Coast Tyndale Conference takes place at this University 24–27 February 2000. The broad theme is Tyndale and the Bible in the Reformation and is geared to both scholarly and lay audiences. We anticipate outstanding papers, Bible readings and workshops, a drama, and the usual fine meals and conversations that mark such Society events.

We hope many Society members, in North America and abroad, can join us. Please note the information contained elsewhere in the Journal and address any inquiries to my faculty colleague, Professor Linda Beail ( Information about the conference should also be available, by the time this reaches you, on the University website ( ). In addition to allowing website access for the conference, the University has agreed to provide premier meeting spaces, parking, audio-visual support and other resources free of charge, which makes the conference much more affordable.

I would be remiss if I did not also mention the very kind support of Society member Michael Smythe, who is associated with the fine Archives Bookshop of Pasadena, California. Michael has rendered wonderful service to many Society members in quest of rare and unusual books, as well as having been a staunch supporter of the Society in general and this conference in particular.

Michael also regularly requests copies of our membership brochures to distribute. I would like all our North American members to know that I will happily send multiple copies to them upon request. Growing our membership base is vitally important and individual members are our best means of doing so.

Thank you all again for your continuing interest and support. The next millennium promises ever greater things for the Tyndale Society here and around the world!

Barry Ryan

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