4th International Tyndale Conference, Antwerp

Friday 30th August – Tuesday 3rd September 2002

This year’s conference “The Reformation in the Low Countries and Beyond: Impact and Identity” is the fourth in a series of International Tyndale Conferences. While the series forms a major part of the Tyndale Society’s academic programme, previous conferences have excelled in making the subject matter attractive and accessible to interested members of the general public. Since the formation of the Society in 1994, Tyndale conferences have been held in Oxford, Wells, London, Geneva, Toronto, and San Diego.

This conference is of particular historic significance as it brings together scholars and theologians from protestant and catholic institutions to honour Tyndale’s unique achievement.

The Theme

In Tyndale’s most prolific years (1526-1535) the Low Countries and the city of Antwerp, especially, offered unique opportunities, both for the preparation and the publication of Bibles and polemical works. Among the most important factors in the special relationship between Antwerp and Bible translation were humanism, the art of printing and trade relationships with England.

The speakers at the 4th International Tyndale Conference will discuss the expanding Reformations and Bible translation in the context of the Low Countries and Europe. The conference will also deal with relevant developments before and after the age of Tyndale.

The climax of the conference will be the opening, on Monday 2nd September, of a large-scale exhibition entitled “Tyndale’s Testament” in the world-famous Plantin-Moretus printing museum.

The Venues

Lectures and talks will be held in the centre of Antwerp at the Lessius Hogeschool and the historic Plantin-Moretus Museum.

The Organisers

The conference is co-organised by the Tyndale Society (Hertford College, Oxford), the Lessius Hogeschool (Antwerp), K.U. Leuven, the Université Catholique de Louvain and the Plantin-Moretus Museum.

woodcut of 16th c. Antwerp Harbour

The Speakers

Keynote Speaker: Professor Brad Gregory, Stanford University, USA and many other distinguished scholars:


“Tyndale’s Testament”, Plantin-Moretus Museum, 2nd September - 1st December 2002

This exhibition, sponsored by the Antwerp Town Council, is the culmination of a joint K.U. Leuven - Université Catholique de Louvain project, led by Dr Guido Latré. The project ‘The First English Bibles in Print’ explores the interaction between the translators of these and other Antwerp Bibles, as well as the economic and political context in which Tyndale was working and the theological debates of the day.


Full delegate registration fee: 200 euro

Daily rate (Available Friday, Saturday or Sunday only): 80 euro

The full delegate registration fee includes:

Please note that the delegate fee does not include accommodation, travel or meals (with the exception of the conference dinner on Friday night). Accommodation and travel should be arranged and paid directly to the hotel/travel company you choose. Special rates for accommodation and travel have been negotiated.

Optional Additional Activities

Monday 2nd September: Farewell Dinner. Cost: 30 euro

This will be held at Pelgrom Restaurant, situated in historic candlelit cellars once used to store goods for shipping.

Tuesday 3rd September: Day trip to Leuven and Vilvoorde. Cost: 50 euro

For information about registration, travel and accommodation contact:

Ms Sylvie Van Dun, Tyndale Conference Manager, Lessius Hogeschool, 2 Sint-Andriesstraat, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium; Tel. +32 3 2060496; Fax +32 3 2060497; E-mail: tyndale@lessius-ho.be

For general conference matters:

Mary Clow tel: ++44 (0) 207 221 0303 E-mail: maryclow@aol.com

Information about the conference will be continually updated on the Tyndale Society website at: www.tyndale.org/antwerp

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