Tyndale Society Journal On-Line Archive

Tyndale Society Journal - No. 40, Summer 2011

Table of Contents

Neil InglisEditorial5
 Anne RichardsonThomas Arundel, 'Hammer of Heresy'12
 R Magnusson Davis'Witness' or 'Martyr'18
 Andrew HopeThe Family of Humphrey Monmouth27
 Ramona GarciaHow Victorians perceived Nibley Knoll37
 John HellsternIntroducing Museum-goers to William Tyndale40
 Karen WortleyBroadening the Furrow47
Event Reports
 Mary Clow16th Lambeth Tyndale Lecture51
 Mary ClowEvolving English at The British Library54
 David SmithAn Evening with William Tyndale55
Letters to the Editor
 Brian Buxton56
 Robert Taylor57
 Vic Perry57
 Vic Perry59
 Alasdair Rodgers60
 Andrew Hope60
Book and Media Reviews
 Brian BuxtonThe Reformation and Robert Barnes62
 Mary ClowThe Book in The Renaissance67
 David IresonThe KJB - The Book That Changed The World68
 Mary ClowBegat70
 Bill CooperHeresies of Westcott and Hort71
What are you Reading?
 Mary ClowCredo by Jaroslav Pelikan73
Events in 2011/2012
 Tuesday 25th October16th Lambeth Tyndale Lecture, Lambeth, London79
Press Gleanings
 Journal Staff74
How I Met William Tyndale
 Patrick Whitten75
Society Notes
 Mary Clow77
 Dorothy Daniell78
 The New Testament 1526 - Special Offer46
Dates for Your Diary79