This page provides information about the Society's journals: Reformation and The Tyndale Society Journal.
Some previously published articles are available online and can be accessed from the linked Tables of Contents listed in the sections on each journal.
This is a leading journal for the publication of scholarship concerning the Reformation era. It was founded by Professor David Daniell and addresses any aspect of the Reformation, broadly considered. Possible topics include (but are not limited to): theology, church history and religious matters (Protestant, Catholic and Radical); English and Continental literature; social, political and intellectual history; art history and architecture; music; the Bible, biblical scholarship and translation; translation, scholarship and education more generally. Currently the editor is Mark Rankin, Professor of English at James Madison University, Virginia. He can be contacted by prospective authors from our list of contacts. For further information about the Journal, including online access to some back editions, see Taylor & Francis Online. Tyndale Society members whose subscription includes Reformation have the benefit of free access to the online archive.
The Tyndale Society Journal
Twice a year, members of The Tyndale Society receive The Tyndale Society Journal. The Journal is the principal means of communication between members and features articles by members and others, lists of events, write-ups of events, letters, announcements, reviews and other items of interest to Society members. The editor, Neil Inglis, is always pleased to receive proposals, submissions, and comments, and these should be directed to him via our list of contacts.