This section lists Tyndale's published works with a brief synopsis of five of them further down. Most of the items on the list include a link to the relevant text. Some links are internal but some link to an external site (in which case, they will open in a separate tab on your browser).
- The Introduction to the New Testament (Pathway into Holy Scripture) (1525)
- The Cologne Fragment of Matthew 1-22 (1525)
- The New Testament Worms Edition (1526)
- The Parable of the Wicked Mammon (1528)
- The Obedience of a Christian Man (1528)
- The Practice of Prelates (1530)
- The Five Books of Moses (Pentateuch) 1530/1
- The Prophet Jonah 1530/1
- An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue (1531)
- Expositions of 1 John and Matthew V-VII (1531 and 1533)
- The New Testament Revised Edition (1534)
- Old Testament Lectionary Readings (1534)